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Momo's Secret Page

Momo in All Her Glory

Momo is a bit of a nomad. On average, she travels to at least 15 cities in one year. She loves sniffy old European streets and eating new types of cheese everywhere she goes. 

Her Real Name isn't Momo

Her name is actually Mocsing. It's an old Hungarian word that means gristle or the little bit of fat on the meat that nobody wants. It's a hilarious name for a darling dapple Doxie. 

Momo's snout up close and personal. this image would make you go "awwww so cute"

Always There for Us

Mocsing has a habit of coworking with us. The big problem is that she brings tears to Myriam's eyes because she loves farting at inopportune times. The eye-watering stench is not compatible with training folks remotely. Plus, she's scared of her own farts and disrupts the entire session to the delight of everyone. 

Simply the Best

The Snooze Life

Remember the Nosferatu pose with the two T-rex like arms? That's momo when she sleeps. She's on her back, deeply asleep with her stubby little front legs folded like an adorable little vampire or T-rex

Momo sleeps like the cutest little Nosferatu. Her deep Dachshund chest enables her to produce deep, dramatic snores. It's a delightful little symphony. 

Excel can Wait

The whole sausage dog seated on a couch looking at someone (me). She has beautiful dark eyes and is patiently waiting for me to play with her

Momo understands that computer time means no play time for her. However, it does not mean that she agrees with it. She's a patient colleague though. 

You Shall Not Pass

OK so there are shoes on the right, a pair of big hiking shoes and on the left is Momo, sitting very seriously, trying to stop us from leaving. But she's barely bigger than the shoe.

This is Momo trying to stop us from leaving our gorgeous Italian apartment in Lecce Italy. You can see the determination in her stare. You can feel the tension.

Momo at Work

Momo is not a support dog. She is incredible when there is a sensory meltdown going on but the problem is that she requires a support human to get her through the anxiety of life. 

Momo at Your Office

If dogs are allowed, Momo will be happy to come and visit. She pays attention to the training. However, she expects a cheese tax to be paid and loves being told she is stunning. 

momo stickers, there are 7 kawaii images on the sticker sheet

Company Swag

Yes, we have a series of Momo the travel dog stickers available. Each of them represents one part of her life. We give them away at conferences or after workshops.

Work With Momo

We travel everywhere in Europe with Momo to provide trainings. 

Momo spends a bit more than six months of the year in beautiful Portugal, begging for friend little fish because they taste very good. 


Momo has been known to show up rather frequently to Luxembourg events and coworking sessions. You can meet her there often. 


Momo has been to Google offices for conferences. She loves sniffing every blade of grass along the way to the office. 


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